DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2023.120550

  • Зеліско І. М. (Zelisko I. M.) Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Нестеренко М. О. (Nesterenko M. O.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv


The article presents an assessment of the state of digital transformation of the national economy based on the country's innovative progress. The level of digitalization of the national economy and innovative development of the economy of Ukraine was analyzed on the basis of global indicators and the corresponding ratings of the country in the global economic space (Global Innovation Index, Digital Competitiveness Index).
It has been proven that the modern social life of a person largely depends on information, communication and digital technologies. Their spread in all spheres of life enables the development of the digital economy, which leads to coordinated changes in the economic environment and ways of carrying out business processes by enterprises. That is, the digital economy makes new demands and forms new standards of quality of life, the industrial information society is transformed into a postindustrial one, and the prerequisites for the emergence of a new digital order are being formed.
The existing trends in the functioning of the telecommunications market have been identified and the role of information technologies in ensuring digital reformatting of the industry on the basis of innovation has been presented. In recent years, the functioning of the telecommunications market was characterized by high rates of development, which contributed to the formation of the status of the driver of the domestic economy. Also, telecommunications enterprises managed to ensure the continuity of business processes and a significant level of productivity in wartime conditions. Information and communication technologies and the telecommunications market formed a powerful foundation for the formation of Ukraine's military economy.
The existing inhibiting factors of the transformation of the traditional economic model of the national economy into a digital one are outlined. Directions for speeding up the processes of digital transformation of telecommunications enterprises on an innovative basis are proposed.
Digital technologies have covered all spheres of existence and vital activities of mankind, including the processes of social reproduction. The evolution of forms of social reproduction takes place on the basis of the transformation of the means of production and the implementation of scientific inventions into production processes. Increasing the level of intellectualization of production is possible due to innovations, information and communication technologies and digitization of all spheres of life in modern society.
The innovative activity of domestic telecommunications enterprises is an important and objectively necessary process aimed at creating conditions for the emergence of inventions, creating opportunities for the production and implementation of new ideas and inventions, providing a favorable environment for the production of modern, advanced innovative products and providing a wide range of qualitatively new high-tech telecommunication services that meet the requirements and needs of the market and ensure the growth of the level of competitiveness of enterprises, the emergence of new industries and the development of innovative entrepreneurship.
The accelerated transition to the digital economy and overcoming obstacles to the development of digital trends in Ukraine and the transformation of the Ukrainian economy into a digital one should be based on a combination of joint efforts and aspirations of the government, business and the entire society in order to ensure an economic breakthrough that will enable sustainable economic growth of the national economy and improve the quality of life citizens of Ukraine in the near future.

Keywords: innovations, digital economy, digitization, innovative activity, innovative development, information and communication technologies, digital technologies, telecommunications market, telecommunications enterprises.

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