DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2024.011313

  • Шмалій Л. В. (Shmaliy L. V.) Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,Uman


The article is devoted to the topical issues of defining the main approaches to the formation of an effective management information support system. The main attention is paid to the substantiation of the theoretical and practical principles of the process of providing analysis and assessment of the state of the organization's management system, taking into account the realities of the domestic economy, the main components of the enterprise management system are improved and a number of operating factors are summarized, on which the improvement of the organization's management system depends, which will lead to the effective identification of its external and internal features and formation and use, determine its characteristics and will allow to increase the efficiency of information provision of management activities. The function of implementing the strategy at the enterprise should consist of finding out the measures necessary to implement the chosen strategy and implementing them in strict accordance with the planned schedule. Management of the strategy implementation process is multifaceted and mainly administrative in nature. A characteristic feature of today is that the main task of enterprise management has become the formation of conditions for safe business. Security produces stability, profitability and prospects for the development of the enterprise. And, modern realities direct enterprises to the wide use of information and modern information and communication technologies, since they must quickly and adequately respond to any transformations of the external and internal environment. The role of the company's information and communication support, which allows to increase the efficiency and timeliness of decision-making, the level of control over operational processes, the adaptability and stability of the management system, is reasonably growing. Accordingly, there was a need for the formation of new approaches to the development of strategies and tactics for information and communication provision of the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of widespread use of modern digital technologies. As a rule, an automated information system contains functional systems and support systems. Provision, in turn, can be informational, programmatic, technical, technological, organizational, legal, mathematical, linguistic, and ergonomic. In the functional structure, such elements as a functional subsystem, a block, a set of tasks, and a task are distinguished. In terms of ergonomic support, the degree and level of human participation in the management system, the requirements for the form of information presentation, the conditions of the surrounding environment for human activity, the order of work and rest of the staff, standards of workload and reliability of the staff are determined at the stages of designing the information system; requirements for technical means, methods of interaction of personnel and technical means. In real information systems, the total number of types of support that support sufficient and complete functioning of the organization may be smaller. Mandatory components of the information system are only subsystems of information, software and technical support. The functions of other types of support are less significant and can be combined and grouped or included in the main subsystems.
The information must be reliable, timely, constantly updated, presented in a user-friendly form, accessible to the user and complete. Incomplete information is often the reason for making irrational and untimely management decisions. The main effect of the information system in the direction of improving management is achieved by automating information processes and improving management decisions. The security policy is confidentiality, integrity and readiness. Possible threats to management information are related to unauthorized access, interception of information in communication channels, theft of documentation, industrial and economic espionage, destruction of information, errors in work, destruction of information by viruses, errors in data processing programs, technical malfunctions in computers computer networks, falsification of events. It is clear that the unreliable protection of information flows may well be a serious cause of problem situations, so this issue must be given the most serious attention, especially during the period of anti-crisis management.

Keywords: strategic management, enterprise management, strategic evaluation criteria, telecommunications enterprises, digital economy.

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