DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2024.011111

  • Сазонова С. В. (Sazonova S. V.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv


The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the insufficient conceptual development of the paradigm of strategic management of telecommunications enterprises in the digital economy.
The article reveals the essence of defining and applying strategic criteria for assessing the management of telecommunications enterprises. It is determined that the essence lies in the ability to predict the business situation, prevent the negative impact of internal and external factors, introduce measures to minimize costs, ensure the achievement of the set goals and, above all, obtain a positive financial result of the enterprise's activity - the desired profit.
The article argues that the digital economy, which is spreading through active digitalization and is based on the activities of telecommunications enterprises, gives rise to a new type of strategic management and leads to profound changes in how telecommunications enterprises should be organized today and managed in the future.
The article describes the current trends that already have a major impact on the organization of telecommunications enterprises and will shape changes in the strategic management of telecommunications enterprises in the near future. These circumstances require further scientific developments on the formation of new approaches to the strategic management of telecommunications enterprises and tools for their implementation based on strategic criteria for assessing the management of telecommunications enterprises in the context of the development of the digital economy.
The author's approach to determining the directions of digitalization's impact on the activities of telecommunications enterprises is proposed, which allows to outline the strategic criteria for assessing the management of telecommunications enterprises in the long term.
The study allows us to conclude that the strategic management of telecommunication enterprises in the digital economy requires expanded monitoring and analysis of the external environment; enhancing the safety, protection and empowerment of citizens, ensuring freedom of choice on the Internet, continuous improvement and development of telecommunication devices and channels and integration of innovations; supporting participation in the digital public space by creating a digital environment in which interaction between participants takes place through digital services.

Keywords: strategic management, enterprise management, strategic evaluation criteria , telecommunication enterprises, digital economy.

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