DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2024.010808

  • Маковецька І. М. (Makovetska I. M.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv
  • Диченко А. С. (Dychenko A. S.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv
  • Валенок А. М. (Valenok A. M.) DATAGROUP PJSC, Kyiv


The article is devoted to the improvement of the enterprise management system in modern conditions, which would allow the enterprise to strengthen its position on the market. A theoretical generalization of the enterprise management system was carried out, which made it possible to determine the fact that the majority of scientists consider it as a combination of the managing system (the subject of management) and the managed system (the object of management), as well as the connections between them. The enterprise management system must be flexible, take into account serious competition on the goods (services) market, take into account the requirements for the quality level of consumer service, take into account the need to take into account the uncertainty of the external environment, and to implement these conditions, there is an objective need for research and analysis of the existing situation. Interest in the problem of creating an effective enterprise management system has increased in society. In the modern conditions of the beginning of the market, a transition to a new priority of values is necessary: the main thing inside the organization is employees, and outside it - consumers of services. The competitive environment requires constant development and improvement from market participants. This applies not only to the manufactured product, but also to the internal processes of the organization, among which the enterprise management system is of great importance. The more efficiently the management system functions, the higher the financial indicators of the company, so the importance of this problem is difficult to overestimate. The main areas of improvement of the enterprise management system are proposed, which will affect the coordination actions during the performance of management functions and the improvement of the enterprise's financial condition. It is described that in order to improve the management systems of the enterprise, it is necessary to implement the position of HR manager, which will have a positive effect, taking into account the influence of the most important business factors for the final results of economic activity.

Key words: enterprise, management system, areas of improvement, management.

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