DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2023.039298

  • Шмалій Л. В. (Shmaliy L. V.) Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman


The introduction of modern economic market relations in Ukraine has set society many important tasks, one of which is the search for new forms and methods of managing the production and sale of goods or services. Under these conditions, a complex, systematic approach to solving this or that economic problem becomes especially important. When developing a complex system of management of economic activity, it is advisable to use the experience of the organization of management, accumulated both in our country and abroad. In this regard, new information technologies based on the use of computer technology, distributed (decentralized) information processing, and economic-mathematical methods are of particular interest. Today, we are witnessing the global transformation of the entire earthly civilization - the transition from an industrial society to an information society.
Until now, there is no clearly defined concept of optimal information provision of enterprises, the end product of which is the provision of services and the performance of certain tasks, that is, an intangible type of product. Therefore, the development of a defined system of information support of management bodies should be preceded by a deep analysis of both the economic activity of such an enterprise and the existing situation with information support.
The scientific article describes the approaches of using MC Project and other modern programs for evaluating the effectiveness of business processes. It was found that Microsoft Project Standard is the main tool for project management, including for planning and forming project execution schedules. In combination with the Microsoft Project Server server, it allows you to organize collective work on the project in the scope of one working group. The availability of powerful tools makes it possible to flexibly adapt programs to automatically perform mass calculations, which depend both on the specifics of a specific area of accounting and on the peculiarities of the accounting policy of the enterprise. At the same time, the specified tools not only allow changing individual parameters, such as, for example, codes of accounts, subaccounts, analytical accounts, their names, tax rates, etc., but also allow you to describe and modify the rules for performing calculations quite completely. Proposed ways of improving the information support of management activities, which will allow to reveal its external and internal features and formation and use, determine its characteristics, which will allow to increase the efficiency of information support of management activities.

Keywords: management information support, performance evaluation, management activity, ways of improvement, automated problem solving.

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