Recommendations on improving the mechanism of increasing competitiveness in the telecommunications services market of Ukraine

DOI: 10.31673/2415-8089.2020.014030

  • Виноградова О. В. (Vynogradova O. V.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Євтушенко Н. О. (Yevtushenko N. O.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Дрокіна Н. І. (Drokina N. I.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Іртлач М. О. (Irtlach M. O.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Корнійчук В. Є. (Korniychuk V. Ye.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv


The article studies the theoretical background of the competitiveness management of telecommunications companies. The dependence of the mechanism for controlling the competitiveness of enterprises in the telecommunications services market on the quality of telecommunications services provided has been proved, provided that intangible resources are provided and modern digital technologies are used. The role of state regulation of information relations in society is determined and the model of state regulation of the telecommunication services market is improved. The problems of choosing the best way to provide services in the telecommunications market are investigated. A model for the functioning of this market is developed taking into account objective and subjective factors of the market environment. An economic mechanism is proposed to increase the competitiveness of subjects in the telecommunications services market, the operation of which is expected in the main strategic areas in accordance with modern tools..

Key words: mechanism, competitiveness, service, market, telecommunication enterprise, state, regulation.

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