Investigation of the influence of urban development on the spread of GPS signals and mobile communications

DOI: 10.31673/2409-7292.2018.044449

  • Толубко В. Б. (Tolubko V. B.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Беркман Л. Н. (Berkman L. N.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Крючкова Л. П. (Kriuchkova L. P.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Ткаленко О. М. (Tkalenko O. M.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv


The influence on the propagation of radio waves of height and density of city building is investigated. The combined statistical-deterministic method of determining the intensity of the field is based on the fact that the influence of the distant environment is statistically estimated, and the influence of neighboring buildings is determined by deterministic methods. The method is capable of providing not only qualitative but also quantitative results.

Keywords: field intensity, urban development profile, GPS signals, mobile communication signals, statistical method, deterministic method, combined statistical-deterministic method.

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