Застосування комерційних криптографічних протоколів для вирішення військових завдань

DOI №______

  • Савченко В. (Savchenko V.) Державний університет телекомунікацій, Київ
  • Довбешко С. (Dovbeshko S.) Державний університет телекомунікацій, Київ
  • Мацько О. (Matsko O.) Національний університет оборони України імені Івана Черняховського


This article attempts to explore commercial encryption protocols for data transmitting within military applications. Nowadays the military means of secure communication and data transmitting cannot cover all informational requirements for combat applications because of organizational and physical security issues. At the same time the problem of secure communication on the front line grows day by day. The common idea of secure commercial-of-the-shelf protocols (PPTP, IPSec, SSL, TLS, SSH, HTTPS, PGP, DNSSEC, SMIME) usage within military domains is not new but for this moment it doesn‟t have any real detailed description because of vulnerabilities of these protocols. The original idea highlighted in this paper is in double-layered point-to-point commercial encryption system based on the most reliable open-source protocols in Virtual Private Networks (VPN) architecture.

Keywords: Commercial-of-the-Shelf; Encryption; Virtual Private Network.

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