Недостатня перевірка автентичності як одна з сервісних проблем Cloud

DOI №______

  • Оксіюк О. Г. (Oksiiuk O.) Київський Національний університет ім. Т.Г. Шевченка, м. Київ
  • Чайковська В. С. (Chaikovskaya V.) Київський Національний університет ім. Т.Г. Шевченка, м. Київ


The problem of saving personal data is very serious. Since most people switch to storing their data in the cloud, various types of attacks on the authentication process become a great problem. It is the easiest way to unauthorized users take over other people's files. The problem of theft the access to the account is discussed all over the world. In this article, the authentication protocols that are being used, modified and developed by scientists and developers were reviewed. The presence of a large information base indicates that this problem is urgent and requires actions. First, traditional password authentication should be more protected and not stored by all meanings. Secondly, with the various number of devices, users need to come up with the reliable way to authenticate these devices. And thirdly, it is possible to use two-factor authentication instead of single sign on, as it can be used not only in companies but a simple person.

Keywords: authentication, protocols, confidential information, secure connection, information security, cloud services, cybersecurity.

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